Eldritch Conjurer

Eldritch Conjurer
Health 1410
Heroic Health -
Shards ??
Drops 6% = random upgraded weapon

Eldritch Conjurer is one of the Enemies in Death's Gambit. Enemies can be faced through out the game and each drops Shards, with a chance to drop a specific Item or two.



Eldritch Conjurer Location




Eldritch Conjurer Notes & Tips

  • The Eldritch Conjurer has 2 separate attacks which involve the usage of purple magic orbs. Both attacks have a long cast time, deal damage and apply a debuff that flips the player's screen vertically.
  • This enemy also has the ability to revive fallen allies.
  • Their attacks can be dodged.



Abyssal Eye (Eyeball)  ♦  Altar Mimic (Savepoint mimic)  ♦  Amarog  ♦  Amarog Champion (Hammer)  ♦  Amarog Shaman  ♦  Amulvaro minibosses  ♦  Assassin Droid  ♦  Bomber Drone (Vortex drones in Bysurge fight)  ♦  Corrupted Golem  ♦  Cosmic Lurker  ♦  Cosmic Lurker (Thalamus)  ♦  Crystal Lizard  ♦  Dark Crystal (Eldritch Council)  ♦  Dark Matter Orb (Amulvaro)  ♦  Dark Orb (Endless)  ♦  Dark Orb Small (Endless)  ♦  Drake Vanguard (Spear Knight)  ♦  Eldritch Conjurer (Council)  ♦  Eldritch Gemini  ♦  Eldritch Hammerhead  ♦  Elite Drake Knight  ♦  GolemGolem with Lasers  ♦  Green Orb (Amulvaro)  ♦  Hallowed Guard  ♦  Hallowed Knight  ♦  Hallowed Sentry  ♦  Hallowed Sentry (Explosive)  ♦  Hexer  ♦  Ice Block (Tundra Lord Kaern)  ♦  Ice Bomb (Tundra Lord Kaern)  ♦  Ice Elemental  ♦  Ice Heart (Ice Crystal)  ♦  Jellyfish (Amulvaro)  ♦  Lesser Owl King (Observatory)  ♦  Migrant (Bysurge)  ♦  Migrant (Zombiebot)  ♦  Migrant Remains (Zombiebot Remains)  ♦  Phantom (Shade Knight)  ♦  Priest of Bulwark (White robed enemies)  ♦  Recluse (Creeper)  ♦  Red Orb (Amulvaro)  ♦  Siphonophore  ♦  Slime  ♦  Sorun Reflection (In Sunken City)  ♦  Soul of the Phoenix Clone  ♦  Specter (MagisterNightmarer)  ♦  Stone Sentinel (Lightning)  ♦  Stone Sentinel (Moss Knight)  ♦  Stone Sentinel (Soul Shield)  ♦  Toxic Owl King  ♦  Void Lurker (Alien Turret)  ♦  Volatile Slime (Dark Knight)  ♦  Volatile Slime (Eldritch Council)  ♦  Vortex Drone (small GT drones)  ♦  White Orb (Amulvaro)  ♦  Yellow Orb (Amulvaro)


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